SWAT 4: Wie FullHD Auflösung (1920x1080) einstellen/erhöhen?

New member
Wie kann ich das Spiel Swat 4 in einer höheren Auflösung als w. 1600 spielen? Welche .txt Datei muss ich da verändern? Weiß das zufällig jemand?

Benutze Win 8.1 als Betriebssystem.
Das hat Google ausgespuckt:

SWAT 4 does not have native widescreen support. To use custom resolutions, navigate to \SWAT 4\Content\System and open Swat4.ini in a text editor such as NotePad.
For security reasons, on Vista 32-bit based systems, you will find the swat4.ini file at:
<boot-drive-letter>:&#92;Users&#92;<your-user-name>&#92;AppData&#92;Local&#92;VirtualStore&#92;P rogram Files&#92;Sierra&#92;SWAT 4&#92;Content&#92;System

On Vista 64-bit based systems, you will find the swat4.ini file at:
<boot-drive-letter>:&#92;Users&#92;<your-user-name>&#92;AppData&#92;Local&#92;VirtualStore&#92;P rogram Files (x86)&#92;Sierra&#92;SWAT 4&#92;Content&#92;System

Search for the following lines:

Modify these lines to suit your resolution. X is horizontal and Y is vertical.
The following example would force the game to run in the resolution of 1440x900.

After changing the values, save the file and make it read only. This will prevent the game reverting back to a 4:3 resolution.

When launching and exiting the game you will get the error File Not Saved: Failed to write &#92;SWAT 4&#92;Content&#92;System&#92;Swat4.ini. This error is fine, just click OK to continue.

Some vertical view is lost when running in a widescreen resolution.

Wollte ich eben auch hinschreiben ;).

<boot-drive-letter>:\Users\<your-user-name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\P rogram Files (x86)\Sierra\SWAT 4\Content\System

Ist übrigens als

"C:/Users/"dein Name"/AppData "[normalerweise ein versteckter Ordner]"/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/Sierra/SWAT4/Content/System"

zu verstehen.


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