Overklocking Astro


Ich nehme einmal an, dass du den standard Kühler drauf hast.
also vorher am besten die Seitenwand öffnen um kühlere Luft an die CPU zu lassen. Und check ob nicht zu viel Staub am Kühler ist. Dann startest du den Rechner neu und drückst die entf/del Taste(ka wie die auf Schwedisch heisst).
Im Bios angekommen müsste einer der Optionen für die CPU Sein:
MHZ FSB(Front Side Bus)
und den Vcore.
also multiplikator muss am besten bestehen bleiben, nur den MHz/FSB musst du LANGSAM in 5MHz schritten am betsen, erhöhen. Wie ich weiss kann man beim P4 locker 100-200 MHz ohne vcore erhöhung übertakten. Und vergiss NICHT die Temperatur im Bios im Auge zu behalten. Also kannst ja bescheid geben, obs geklappt hat, und wieviel rausgeholt hast.


ok lets see, you can push up the vcore but with this you should be more gentel. It's all on your cooler, if you have a good one and your temperature is low(40-50)you can get easier to higher frequenzes. If your windows doesn't boot up right and get errors and faults you have to set up the vcore a bit higher. You have to make own expirience, try to do it secure, check always the temperature.

Hmm ok, sounds fair enough.. do u know any good site for cheap exter-o-coolers? R u not they guy i met on D2lod last night?
hmm btw, im wondering. im going to get own comp soon, fixing my brothers ^^ im getting 2500 athlon, and im wondering.. how to klock graphi cards
^^ thx m8 /astro ;(

yes we know each other from D2LOd last night! Yea ok, it should work. Good fans? Or do you mean CPU coolers?
A vga crad is easier to overclock but it's A LOT more dangerously to overclock them. This is because you don't know the real temperature of the GPU(Graphic Processing Unit) and the most memory chips aren't cooled but should be cooled and if you overclock this memory it could damage it. So you have to see :
1.what kind of vga card you have
2. kind of cooling/which cooler

yeah 😀
1. Ok you can check it by your self. You have only to look at your vga card! Of the big chips(I think there are 8 Chips) are cooled or clear of cooler

2. you post here a picture of it, from above and under! This Methode is easier 8)

Then you could maybe tell me the name of you vga card.



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