eine Galerie zu einem Gutenberg-Block-Theme hinzufügen - ein HowTo


Wie füge ich eine Galerie zu einem Gutenberg-Block-Theme hinzu - eine Galerie, die Bilder zeigt - zum Beispiel die von Sponsorenlogos?

Es gibt wahrscheinlich ein paar Möglichkeiten, wie man dies angehen könnte – eine Empfehlung wäre, einen Galerieblock zu verwenden und die Bilder darin zu laden. Sie können festlegen, wie viele Spalten Sie möchten (und so die Größe der Sponsorenlogos steuern).

hier eine kurze Anleitung-.... mit vielen vielen guten Hinweisen - Links und weiterführenden Quellen:

: how to add a gallery to a Gutenberg-block theme - a gallery that shows images - for example those of sponsor logos?

Answer: there are probably a few ways one could approach this – one recommendation would be to use a Gallery block and load the images within that. You can set how many columns you’d like (and control the size of the sponsor logos that way).

Gallery Block:
The Gallery block allows you to easily add multiple photos and automatically arrange them in a gallery. You can control the number of columns and the size of the images in the gallery.
The Gallery block can be added to a page by clicking on the Block Inserter (+) icon and selecting the Gallery block.

Go back to the list of Blocks The Gallery block allows you to easily add multiple photos and automatically arrange them in a gallery. You can control the number of columns and the size of the images in the gallery. The Gallery block can be added to a page by clicking on the Block Inserter (+) icon … Continue reading here

more infos - datas and insights ---see more helpful tutorials and docs:

Gutenberg Gallery Block - Ultimate Guide - WordPress Block Editor
The Gallery block in WordPress Block Editor allows you to create and add nice image galleries in your content using the Gutenberg Editor. It is a great default block in the WordPress Block Editor. There are different ways you can Galleries in Gutenberg. You can either add a Gallery block using the block inserter or simply drag multiple images from your local folder to the Gutenberg Editor and it will automatically create a gallery for you. Let's Learn How to use Gutenberg Gallery Block

Visit the Website for more Gutenberg Tutorials & Resources:
:: A Hub for WordPress Block Editor, Gutenberg Gutenberg Hub is a great place to learn about the WordPress Block Editor. It offers tutorials, tips, blocks, patterns, and more resources. You can also buy premium Blocks and patterns, and other Gutenberg goodness to enhance your website.

Check out the Biggest Gutenberg Blocks & Templates Libraries:
Gutenberg Blocks Library:
Gutenberg Templates Library:


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