Anaconda und Condaforen: neue Orte für Austausch u. vieles Mehr....


...nachdem für Anaconda am Jahresanfang neue Foren eröffnet wurden - hier
....gibt es nun seit ein paar Tagen auch ein Conda-Forum das die Mailinglist ablöst:

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 11:03:01 AM UTC-7 Dave Clements wrote:

Hello all, We are pleased to announce the launch of the conda Community Forum, an online forum for questions, answers, news, and discussion about the conda ecosystem. We expect that this site to become the "go to" place for people with questions about conda & friends. The site is organized in several broad categories, each with a different focus:

Users:Questions, answers and discussion about how to use the conda ecosystem to manage software packages, and run time environments.
Package Builders: How to make software packages available in the conda ecosystem.
Contributors: Conda ecosystem development and infrastructure.
News:Items of interest to the conda community.
Site: Rules, policies, questions, answers, and discussion about this site.
Anyone can read posts on the forum. You will need to create a login to start and add to discussions. Anyone can create a login, and we strongly encourage you to sign up today.


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