Twenty-Twenty-Four: (TT4) here a quick introcuction into the theme, the options and customization...


.....even with WordPress version 6.5. the standard-theme is the Twenty-Twenty-Four: - TT4 - here a quick introcuction into the theme, the options and customization

.... so the new, stylish and versatile, default theme for WordPress Version 6.4 and Version 6.5 :: a block theme designed to take full advantage of full site editing capabilities, particularly the opportunities offered by patterns. We can create new pages in a matter of moments by constructing them from the wide range of patterns that come bundled with the theme.

Twenty Twenty-Four is designed to support full site editing’s powerful features, including:

Site Editor: an editor that allows you to edit all parts of your site, navigate between templates, and more.:

Styles: a feature that allows you to customize your site, including individual blocks, as much as you’d like with different colors, typography, layouts, and more:

Templates: edit, create, and manage templates used by pages, posts, and other content.

Template parts: a way to organize and display groups of blocks as part of a block template mainly for site structure, like Headers and Footers:

Theme blocks including the Navigation block, Query Loop block, and more.

Like its predecessor Twenty Twenty-Three, this theme is designed to use WordPress site-editing features instead of the Customizer, which will be hidden by default. The Customizer may be automatically reactivated if you have plugins that require it.

weitere quellen zum Theme TwentyTwentyFour:

Twenty Twenty-Four: Das neue Minimal Multipurpose Standard WordPress Theme
die Github-Seite:
das Theme - die Demoseite:
Twenty Twenty-Four kennenlernen - von Peter Müller:

a. Ray DelVecchio: WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four Theme Customization Tutorial — How to Edit Your Website Templates
mit 16k views und fast 50 Kommentaren.

b. Introducing the twenty twenty-four theme

danke für die Rückmeldung.

- weil mir manchmal das Übersetzen noch schwer fällt.

Anm: ich bring manche meiner Texte halt auch für Internat. Sites, auf denen ich dann eben alles in "plain-english" schreibe.

Doch: Wenn auf deiner Seite nur (!) dt. Texte laufen, dann bring ich die dann eben übersetzt. Kein Problem. Geht ja im Grunde auch ziemlich fix.

Viele Grüße und noch einen schönen Abend

Tanger 😉


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